The 欧洲杯买球 Bot

The main job of the 欧洲杯买球 Bot is to generate basic initial pages and 欧洲杯买球 about web欧洲杯买球s. The bot pulls initial page data once when a page is first created. Web欧洲杯买球 欧洲杯买球 may be pulled multiple times but is cached to prevent continuous access by the bot. We want the bot to be well behaved, if you are seeing otherwise please contact us and let us know.

User-Agent String

The 欧洲杯买球 Bot User-Agent string contains the following:


For example:

欧洲杯买球Bot/Harpy (Web欧洲杯买球 Analysis;;

The current 欧洲杯买球 Bot version is Harpy.

Blocking the 欧洲杯买球 Bot

Using a robots.txt file, you can choose to not have the About Us Bot access your web欧洲杯买球. This doesn't mean that we won't create a page for your web欧洲杯买球. Our members still have the opportunity to contribute their own content describing your 欧洲杯买球.

To prevent the 欧洲杯买球 Bot from accessing your 欧洲杯买球 in the future, please include the following lines in your /robots.txt file.

User-agent: 欧洲杯买球Bot
Disallow: /

The 欧洲杯买球 Bot will also honor a rule like this in your robots.txt file:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

However; this rule will prevent all well behaved bots, including Google, from crawling your 欧洲杯买球.

For more information about robots.txt read our robots.txt article.